Posted in Artists, author, Book Reviews, Bookaholic, Books, H. S. Contino, Inspirational, motivation, pets, promotion, Reading, Writing

Fan Mail Friday!

Good morning!

Can you believe that we’re approaching the end of 2021? Time sure does fly by!

For this month’s Fan Mail Friday, I’m sharing another older review. This one is for a collection of pet and animal stories that I published back in 2013. I self-published the book so I could easily donate a portion of the sales to a local animal shelter. I initially chose Pacific Cove Humane Society because they were fund raising to build a new local shelter. Eventually, the organization re-reviewed their priorities after realizing that there was no longer a need to build a second shelter. Since then, I’ve been making donations to the Coos County Animal Shelter.

“Paw Prints” was a lot of fun to write! It’s a bit of a memoir since it includes numerous stories about myself, my childhood, and the pets that I’ve had over the years. I also invited a few friends to contribute stories to the collection– including my mother and sister-in-law.

The best part? The photo on the cover is Loki, my black Labrador Retriever. She’s a puppy in the photograph, but she’ll be 10 in February 2022. Like I said earlier, time flies by!

I hope you all have a great weekend! 

~ H. S. Contino

Posted in Artists, author, Book Reviews, Bookaholic, Books, community activities, H. S. Contino, history, Images of America, markets, Oregon coast, Oregon history, promotion, Reading, sale, social networking, updates

Florence Festival of Books Follow-Up

Good morning! 

Earlier this month I wrote about the upcoming Florence Festival of Books. The event is usually annual, but it was cancelled in 2020 due to the pandemic. I was excited to return this year. (Fun fact: the 1st annual Florence Festival of Books was in 2011– which was the year my first book was published. As a result, I can proudly say that I’ve attended every year!). 

This year got off to a bit of a rough start. It was stormy on the Oregon coast Friday night. I’m such a light sleeper that the strong winds and heavy rains woke me up several times. Fortunately, by Saturday morning the storm was letting up. It rained off and on during my drive to Florence, but it cleared up about an hour after the festival opened. 

My 2021 booth

I knew when I signed up that this year’s festival would be different. In fact, for the week leading up to the event, I half expected to receive a message saying it had been cancelled. We’ve been experiencing a surge in coronavirus cases on the Oregon coast over the past few months (mostly due to the Delta variant). But, they decided to go ahead with the event while implementing several safety efforts. 

If you look closely, you might recognize the author in the lower left photograph.

In addition to requiring everyone (both vendors and visitors) to wear masks inside the Florence Events Center, they limited the number of booths. If I remember right, they said there was 1/3 less booth this year than in past years. This allowed them to space out the tables which made it easier for participants to practice social distancing. They also had hand sanitizer stations set up throughout the building.

Despite advertising the event through all of the regular channels, this year’s book festival didn’t draw as many visitors as it usually does. Given the circumstances, this wasn’t surprising; but, if I’m being brutally honest, it was still disappointing. 

I’m incredibly grateful to the people that did attend the event. I enjoyed chatting with the visitors to my booth. Since I wrote two books on local history, I tend to catch the attention of fellow history enthusiasts. This inevitably leads to interesting conversations! I also enjoyed catching up with several of my fellow west coast authors.

Baby book’s 1st book festival…

I’m looking forward to next year’s Florence Festival of Books. Fingers crossed that the world has returned to “normal” by then!

Happy reading!

~ H. S. Contino

Posted in Artists, author, Book Reviews, Bookaholic, Books, crafting, H. S. Contino, Inspirational, promotion, Reading, updates, Writing

Introducing Fan Mail Fridays!

 Good morning!

You’ve heard of “Meatless Mondays” and “Throwback Thursdays.” Today I’m introducing a new one: Fan Mail Fridays. Once a month or so, I’ll share a positive review of my books or handmade crafts from either Etsy or Good Reads.

As my fellow writers, artists, and other creative types know, it’s easy to get discouraged. Most people don’t pursue artistic pursuits to get rich. We do it because we love it. Creating art– whether it’s writing books, painting, crafting, making music, etc– is hard work. Most people only ever see the finished result, but those of us that create know how much hard work goes into creating our art. 

We also know about all of the failures. The projects that simply didn’t work out. The ideas that were better in concept than reality. And we’re familiar with the sad reality that sometimes we aren’t at the skill level that we need to do a project justice. To be fair, we get a little better with every project and every time we practice… but, we’re only human.

With all of this in mind, it can be really nice to receive positive feedback. And it’s worth occasionally going back and re-reading our fan mail.

To get this new series started, I’ll be sharing one of my most recent pieces of fan mail. It’s a positive review that I received for my most recently published book, “Alternatives.” The novel was a “labor of love” as the expression goes. Working on it helped get me through the 2020– which, as we all know, was an incredibly challenging year! Overall, I spent 2 full years working on the novel. Since I was working with a shoestring budget, I did everything from coming up with the idea, writing the story, editing and formatting the manuscript, and designing the cover. It’s not perfect, but I’m happy with how it turned out. I’m so relieved that my readers enjoyed the book too!

Thank you, Earnie and Ellie Efforts, for your positive feedback. I’m so glad that you enjoyed reading my book!

~ H. S. Contino

Posted in Artists, author, Book Reviews, Bookaholic, Books, community activities, crafting, H. S. Contino, motivation, Outdoor Activities, pets, promotion, Reading, social networking, updates, Writing

Let’s Connect!

 Good afternoon!

I hope that everyone is enjoying their last few weeks of summer. The weather here on the Oregon coast has been gorgeous! Loki and I have been enjoying lots of long walks! We’re so blessed to live in an area with an abundance of natural beauty to enjoy!

Walking with Loki in Mingus Park

Just a quick post today. Someone recently mentioned that they had trouble finding one of my social media accounts. So, I thought I’d make it easy for everyone and list them all here. I use most of the popular social media platforms, but I spend the most time on Facebook and Twitter. Feel free to visit my social media pages, follow me, or send me a message. I love hearing from readers and befriending fellow authors/artists/creative types!


Author, H. S. Contino

Reprieve’s Corner




User name: Reprieve’s Corner

  • Note: Pinterest is fun because you can see that I really am a hodgepodge when it comes to my interests. I have boards on a variety of topics Including books, animals, stargazing, science-fiction (books, movies, and TV shows), & more!


H. S. Contino, Writer & Small Business Owner at Reprieve’s Corner


User name:  hscontino


User name: hscontino





User name: HS Contino (Reprieve26)

Amazon Author Central:

User name: H. S. Contino

GoodReads Author Profile:

As you can see, I’ve signed up with numerous platforms over the years. I know that everyone has different preferences and favorites when it comes to social media, so my approach has been to create accounts where people can find me (and by extension, my work).

Have a great week everyone!

~ H. S. Contino

Posted in Artists, author, Book Reviews, Bookaholic, Books, Camp NaNoWriMo, community activities, H. S. Contino, NaNoWriMo, promotion, Reading, sale, updates, Writing

Win an Autographed Copy of “Alternatives” by H. S. Contino!

 Good morning!

I hope that everyone had a great weekend. On a personal note, I celebrated my birthday on Saturday. Being an introvert and a science nerd, I celebrated by first watching a webinar hosted by The Planetary Society ( on near Earth objects (NEO’s) then going geocaching with a friend. And, of course, there was cake! These may not sound like exciting plans to my extroverted readers, but– for me– they were perfect. 🙂

Just a short post today. I’ve decided to have a book give away for my latest novel, Alternatives (available for sale through Amazon). In the past, I’ve hosted a few book giveaways through GoodReads. Unfortunately, they have since started charging authors. So, I’ll be doing this the “old school” way. To enter to win, simply comment on this blog post or send me an email. I’ll print out all of the names on slips of paper, put them in a bowl, then choose a random winner.

Pros and cons– the book giveaway would receive more attention and participants through the GoodReads webpage. And, of course, the purpose of the giveaway is to draw attention to my new book. But, since my blog gets a lot less traffic, your odds of winning will be much higher. Silver linings!


Book Giveaway Details:

I’ll be giving away 1 print copy of my novel, Alternatives. I will sign the book before shipping it. Both the book and shipping will be free. So, there is no cost to participate. 

Readers have from June 29th through July 31st, 2021 to enter the contest. To enter, either comment on this blog post or send me an email (

Winner will be chosen randomly. I’ll contact the winner the first week of August. I’ll send them a link to a “custom order”/reserved listing on my Etsy shop, Reprieve’s Corner, so they can provide their mailing address.

The book will be completely free, but I would appreciate a book review (through Amazon or GoodReads). However, this is not a requirement.


About the book:

Sci-fi meets romance in this quirky read!

Theoretically, there exists a parallel version of reality for every possible outcome of our life choices. What if you were given a glimpse into your alternative lives? What version of yourself would you see? How would it influence your future decisions?

Francis Marino’s quiet life on the Oregon coast was interrupted when two military officers arrived on her doorstep with a bizarre story and urged her to come with them. Thus began an unexpected adventure that forced her to leave her comfort zone and confront many of her beliefs about the world we live in.

As the commander of a highly classified military facility, Colonel Dominic Davis was dedicated to his job. But, after being exposed to an alien device, he is given visions of alternative realities. Dom realizes that he needs to make changes– both personal and professional.

Life on Earth hangs in the balance…


Have a great week everyone!

~ H. S. Contino